日期:2016-03-22 17:24  点击:356
intransitive verb
1. to think
pensar en algo/en alguien/en hacer algo -> to think about something/about somebody/about doing something
piensa en un número/buen regalo -> think of a number/good present
dar que pensar a alguien -> to give somebody food for thought
no pienses mal… -> don't get the wrong idea…
pensar mal de alguien -> to think badly o ill of somebody
transitive verb
2. to think about o over (reflexionar sobre)
ahora que lo pienso,… -> come to think of it,…, now that I think about it…
cuando menos lo pienses, te llamarán -> they'll call you when you least expect it
3. to think (opinar, creer)
pensar algo de alguien/algo -> to think something of somebody/something
pienso que no vendrá -> I don't think she'll come
4. to think up (idear)
5. (tener la intención de)
pensar hacer algo -> to intend to do something
no pienso decírtelo -> I have no intention of telling you
¿qué piensas hacer? -> what are you going to do?, what are you thinking of doing?
¡ni pensarlo! -> no way!, not a chance!
pronomial verb
pensarse algo -> to think about something, to think something over
me ofrecieron el trabajo y no me lo pensé (dos veces) -> they offered me the job and I had no hesitation in accepting it 


03/07 11:21