【英文版西语语法】Demonstrative Pronouns in Spanish
日期:2017-04-07 17:11  点击:368
 The word demonstrative comes from the verb to demonstrate, and that's exactly what a Spanish demonstrative pronoun (pronombre demostrativo ) does: demonstrates, or identifies, the noun it refers to.
Imagine you had two pasteles  (cakes) in front of you, and someone asked you which one you wanted. If you were feeling particularly succinct, you could simply respond with este (this one) or ese  (that one). Este and ese are both demonstrative pronouns. While they look very similar to demonstrative adjectives, demonstrative pronouns replace, rather than describe, a noun.
In the past, demonstrative pronouns were always written with a tilde  (written accent) to differentiate them from demonstrative adjectives. However, la RAE  (Real Academia Española ), the institution responsible for regulating the Spanish language, has ruled that the tildes are no longer necessary. Thanks for making life easier, RAE!
Spanish Demonstrative Pronoun Forms
Spanish has three types of demonstrative pronoun, and they all must much the nouns they replac in gender and number.
1. Este
Este is used to replac a noun close to the speaker. Below you'll find the four forms this pronoun can take, as well as some examples of each.
Este Forms
Singular Plural
Masculine este  (this, this one) estos  (these, these ones)
Feminine esta  (this, this one) estas  (these, these ones)
Este Examples
Mi coche es más rápido que este.
My car is faster than this one.
Yo quiero esta aquí.
I want this one here.
Estos se me hacen más bonitos.
I think these are prettier.
Siéntense en estas aquí.
Sit in these here.
2. Ese
Ese is used to replac a noun that is not very close to the speaker (though it may be close to whoever the speaker is talking to). Check out the different forms ese can take.
Ese Forms
Singular Plural
Masculine ese  (that, that one) esos  (those those ones)
Feminine esa  (that, that one) esas  (those, those ones)
Here are examples of the four forms of ese.
Ese Examples
Ya tienes uno; ese es para tu hermano.
You already have one; that one is for your brother.
¿Te gusta esa?
Do you like that one?
No me agradan esos.
I don't like those.
Esas son las más bonitas.
Those are the most beautiful.
3. Aquel
Aquel is used to replac a noun far from both the speaker and the listener. Below you'll find the four forms this pronoun can take in Spanish.
Aquel Forms
Singular Plural
Masculine aquel  (that, that one) aquellos  (those, those ones)
Feminine aquella  (that, that one) aquellas  (those, those ones)
Aquel Forms
Here are examples of aquel in action.
Aquel es el Gran Cañón.
That is the Grand Canyon.
Aquella es peligrosa.
That one over there is dangerous.
Aquellos son los jefes.
Those over there are the bosses.
¿Cómo se llaman aquellas?
What are those called?


12/27 11:49