日期:2017-09-14 12:16  点击:3638
   aburrirse - to get bored
  acercarse - to get close to
  acordarse de - to remember
  acostarse - to go to bed
  acostumbrarse a - to get accustomed to (to get use to)
  afeitarse - to shave
  aficionarse a - to become interested in
  alegrarse - to become (be) happy
  alejarse de - to get/move away from (a person, place or thing)
  animarse - to cheer up, to decide to/game to/become interested in doing
  arreglarse - to get ready, to come to agreement with s.o, to dress(not get dressed) - Ella se arregla bien.; to improve or work out right; to make due
  apartarse de - to move away from (irse), to stray, to move aside, to withdraw or cut oneself off from
  apoderarse de - to seize, to take possession of
  apoyarse en - to support
  apresurarse a - to hurry
  aprovecharse de - to profit from, to take advantage of
  asustarse - to get or become afraid
  atreverse a - to dare to
  ba?arse - to take a bath
  burlarse de - to make fun of
  caerse - to fall (down)
  calmarse - to calm down
  cansarse de - to get tired of
  casarse con - to marry
  cepillarse - to brush (hair, teeth..)
  colocarse de - to get/take a job
  colocarse - to find a job, to place oneself (in a certain spot)
  comerse - to eat something all up
  compadecerse de - to sympathize with or take pity on
  complacerse en - to take pleasure in
  conformarse con - to be conform to or comply with, to agree with, to get used to the idea or resign oneself to
  contentarse con - to cheer up, to make do
  convertirse en - to become, to convert, to turn into
  darse cuenta de - to realize
  decidirse a - to make up one's mind, to decide to
  dedicarse a - to dedicate oneself to (profession, activity, etc.)
  despedirse de - to say goodbye
  despertarse - to wake up
  despojarse de - to give up or forsake
  desvestirse - to undress
  dirigirse a - to go/make one's way toward; to address someone (in speech or writing)
  disponerse a - to prepare or get ready
  divertirse de - to have fun
  dormirse - to go to sleep
  ducharse - to shower
  echarse a - to begin to (many other definitions)
  empe?arse en - to persist or insist on; to commit or bind oneself to
  enamorarse de - to fallin love with
  encargarse de - to take charge of or be responsible for; to look after or attend to; to take care of or see to
  encogerse de hombros - to shrug (shoulders)
  encontrarse con - to meet with
  enfermarse - to get sick
  enojarse - to get or become angry
  enterarse de - to find out, to realize
  entenderse con - to get along with; to agree or come to an agreement
  exponerse a - to expose oneself to or run the risk of
  exponerse de - to run the risk of
  fijarse en - to pay attention to
  fiarse de - to trust something or someone
  fiarse en - to trust in something or someone
  jugarse - to to risk (arriesgarse) (i.e jugarsela vida)
  lastimarse - to get hurt or hurt oneself
  lavarse - to wash (any body part)
  levantarse - to get up
  maquillarse - to put makeup on
  meterse con - to pick on, to pick a fight with
  meterse en - to get into
  motivarse a- to become or get motivated to
  moverse - to move oneself, to do or be in charge of
  negarse a - to refuse to
  obsesionarse con - to be/get obsessed with
  ocuparse de - to look after
  olvidarse de - to forget
  parecerse a - to look like
  peinarse - to brush or comb hair
  ponerse - to put on (clothing), to get dressed
  ponerse de acuerdo - to come to an agreement with someone
  ponerse en camino - to get on (your)way
  preocuparse de - to worry about
  prepararse a - to prepare to
  probarse - to try on
  quebrarse - to break (an arm, leg...)
  quejarse de - to complain about
  quedarse - to remain/ to stay
  quemarse - to burn (oneself, one's body)
  quitarse - to take off (clothing)
  reirse de - to laugh about
  resignarse a - to resign oneself to
  resolverse a - to resolve oneself to
  romperse - to break (an arm, leg...)
  secarse - to dry (a body part)
  sentarse - to sit down
  sentirse - to feel
  servirse - to help oneself to
  suicidarse - to commit suicide, to kill oneself.
  tratarse de - to have dealings with or associate oneself with someone
  vestirse - to get dressed


10/01 09:35