日期:2021-09-29 20:36  点击:714
 If you want to introduce yourself, you can say:
Me llamo — My name is
Mi nombre es — My name is
But you can also start with another simple Spanish word “soy” which means “I am”. For example:
Hola, soy Markus — Hi, I’m Markus
To ask the name of a person you’re talking to, you can say:
?Cómo te llamas? — What is your name?
When you’re introduced to someone, you should say “mucho gusto”. Its literal translation is “pleasure”. Although it sounds too formal in English, this important Spanish phrase can also be translated as “nice to meet you”.
Here are more simple Spanish phrases to use when you need to talk about yourself:
(Yo) tengo … a?os — I am … years old.
(Yo) soy de — I come from
我的名字是 - 我的名字是
我的名字是 - 我的名字是
但您也可以从另一个简单的西班牙语单词“soy”开始,意思是“我是”。 例如:
嗨,我是马库斯 - 嗨,我是马库斯
你叫什么名字? - Cual es su nombre?
当你被介绍给某人时,你应该说“很高兴认识你”。 它的直译是“快乐”。 虽然在英语中听起来过于正式,但这个重要的西班牙语短语也可以翻译为“很高兴认识你”。
(我)来自 - 我来自


10/04 05:34