日期:2022-03-24 19:33  点击:333
  ¿Qué hora es? - What time is it?
 Es la una. - It's one o'clock.
 Son las dos. - It's two o'clock.
 Son las doce. - It's twelve o'clock.
Note: The plural form (son) is used for two o'clock through twelve.
Instead of saying 15 minutes, cuarto is generally used. Media is used instead of 30 minutes.
 Es la una y cuarto.
It is one-fifteen (1:15).
 A la una y media.
At one-thirty (1:30).
Note: Minutes up to half an hour are added to the hour using y; above that, they are typically subtracted from the hour with menos.
 Son las cinco y diez.
It's ten after five.
 Son las tres menos cuarto.
It's two forty-five (2:45).
 Son las tres menos diez.
It's ten till three (2:50).


09/30 07:16