30 个最常见的西班牙语俚语单词和短语
日期:2022-04-25 20:44  点击:720
Gonzalo Cañas
Article by: Gonzalo Cañas
If you learn Spanish online, there may be an important part of the language you haven’t learned yet.  Understanding slang from Spain brings you opportunities to connect with native speakers on a whole new level. It’s key to understanding local people better, whether you’ve just relocated or you are visiting this exciting country.
We’ve created a list of the best Spanish slang to help you expand your vocabulary and feel more comfortable with native speakers. With practice, Spanish slang will help you sound like a native, learn about the culture behind the language, and feel more confident in your interactions. ¿Listos, chicos?
Popular Spanish slang words used every day
1. Guay
Spaniards use this word every 5 seconds. Use it to describe how great something is. You could hear extended versions like “guay del Paraguay” (cool from Paraguay) or “tope guay” (very cool) in movies from the 80s and 90s. Stay away from them. They’re out of date.
“Estas gafas están guay.”
These sunglasses are cool. 
2. Vale
This is the informal version of “de acuerdo” (all right/ok), and it’s basic Spanish slang. This is probably the first Spanish slang expression you’ll hear repeatedly and you can use it in many situations.
”¿Salimos 5 minutos a tomar el aire?”
”Shall we go out for 5 minutes to get some fresh air?”
3. Qué fuerte
This is one of the top 3 Spanish slang words, along with “guay” and “vale.” Use it when something happens that you find shocking, in a good or bad way.
¡Qué fuerte que te despidan por esa tontería!
How crazy that you get fired for that nonsense! 
4. Chulo
Locals use this in a positive way to express how cool objects and places are. 
“Este centro comercial es muy chulo.”
This shopping mall is very cool.
“Un chulo” can also be used to describe a person who is acting cocky.
“El dependiente es un chulo, vámonos.” 
The sales clerk is too cocky; let’s leave.
5. Es la leche
This classic Spanish slang phrase is used to describe how great something is. 
“Cómprate esa cazadora, por favor. ¡Es la leche!”
Buy that jacket, please. It’s great!
Pro tip: As with almost any colloquial expression, do not modify it. For example, don’t say: 
“Esos zapatos son las leches”. It would literally mean “Those shoes are the milks.” Stick to “Esos zapatos son la leche” (Those shoes are great/amazing).
Warning: If an angry person yells at you: “¡Eres la leche!“, follow your instinct. He is shouting “You are unbelievable” at you. Run!  
6. ¡Qué mono! 
Combine this phrase with objects, places, people, and pets, not only if you find them attractive but also if you think they are adorable.
“Me ha traído flores. Es muy mono.” 
He brought me flowers. He’s so nice.
“¡Qué monos esos pantalones!” 
How cute are those trousers! 
7. Cutre
Use “cutre” for things, places, and people that you think are either bad quality, cheap, or dirty. 
“Laura y yo terminamos en un bar cutre alrededor de la una de la mañana.”
Laura and I ended up in a seedy bar around one in the morning.
8. Puente
This word translates directly to ‘bridge’ but it is used in Spanish slang to describe a long weekend when bank holidays connect with a weekend. And what do you think Spaniards call a 4-day long weekend? “Un acueducto” (an aqueduct). True story.
“¡Venga, hagamos algo en el puente!”
Come on, let’s do something on the long weekend!
9. Currar
This means ‘to work’ (“trabajar”). You can also compliment someone on how hardworking they are: “Eres un currante.” (You’re a hard worker.); or complain about how much you hated your last job: “Odiaba mi curro, tía”.
“No me digas que tienes que currar.”
Don’t tell me you need to work.
10. Quedar
This verb is not exactly Spanish slang, but it’s part of the informal vocabulary Spaniards always use to make plans. You will say it every day. 
“¿Quedamos para ir a una exposición de arte?”
Shall we meet to go to an art exhibition?
11. Tapeo / Terraceo
Every Spanish learner living in Spain should know how to say: “Quiero ir de tapas” (I want to go for tapas). You can step it up by saying: “Quiero ir de tapeo.” 
“Terraceo” comes from “terraza” (terrace). If you are afraid of heights, beware. “Terraza” can be a patio or a rooftop. Confirm wher you’re going!
“¿Prefieres ir de terraceo, un tapeo…?”
Would you prefer to go to a terrace, go for tapas…?
12. Botellón
“Botellón” comes from the word “botella” (bottle), and literally means a big bottle. This Spanish slang term probably comes from the huge beer bottles youngsters drink in parks and squares across Spain. Use it to describe groups of teenagers drinking in the street.
“Yo evitaría Malasaña. Hay mucho botellón.”
I would avoid Malasaña. Groups of teenagers drink in the street there. 
13. A gustito 
Use this slang term to describe how comfortable you’re. If you dare to sound like a pro, mix it up with the verb “to go”, for example: Voy muy a gustito en tu coche (I feel good going in your car). There is a simpler version, “a gusto,” but it’s not as powerful. 
“En La Latina estaremos más a gustito.”
In La Latina, we’ll be more at ease. 
14. Tardeo
The word of 2021, “un tardeo” is used to describe a leisure activity that happens during the afternoon. Probably born a few years back, but in 2021 it was the trendiest thing to do in many Spanish cities and, during curfew, the only possible thing to do. 
“A mí me hace un tardeo.” 
I feel like going out early in the afternoon and getting back home soon.
15. Liarse
You will say this when you want to have a relaxed, early night unlike last weekend. Careful, “liarse” also means to hook up with someone: “Me he liado con Cris” (I’ve hooked up with Cris). Use it wisely!
“No me quiero liar hoy.” 
I don’t want to get back home late at night. 
Spanish slang
16. Colegueo 
“Colegueo” comes from “colega”, which means ‘friend’ in Spanish slang. “Colegueo” refers to a friendly relationship or situation between people. Stay away from “colega”; it’s old-fashioned!
“Tan pronto Marc, Elena y Juan se conocieron, ya estaban de colegueo.” 
As soon as Marc, Elena, and Juan met, they were all hanging out / having fun (equivalence). 
17. Tío/tía 
Tío/tía are the direct translations of uncle/auntie in English and are usually used in Spanish slang to address friends. The British English equivalent would be “mate” and US English “buddy.”
“¿Qué pasa, tía?” 
What’s up, girl?
You will also hear “tío”/“tía” to refer to a third person.
“¡Qué tío/tía tan guapo/a!” 
What a good-looking guy/girl!
18. Majo
While most of the words on this list are newer slang, no one seems to remember the origin of “majo,” a term to describe a friendly person.
“El camarero es muy majo.” 
The waiter is very nice.
19. Guiri
Locals use “guiri” to refer to foreigners, tourists, or expats, whose physical appearance stands out from Spaniards. Sense the tone since it can be said with love or out of mockery. 
Yo no parezco un guiri, ¿verdad?
I don’t look like such a tourist, do I?
20. Churri
“Churri” is Spanish slang in its purest state. It’s a very loving word that you would use to describe someone’s partner or significant other.
“Creo que esa es la churri de la camarera.”
I think that girl is the waitress’ girlfriend.
21. Guarro
It is like saying someone is a pig  (“Ese tío es un guarro.” / That guy is disgusting). You can use it to describe things, places, and people that are not clean.
“¡Qué guarro lleva ese el pelo!”
That guy’s hair is filthy! 
22. Cañero
This expression comes from the word “caña” (sugar cane/sugar cane grower). You can use it as an adjective to describe people and things that are strong, loud, or fast.
But usually, you’re going to use it to refer to a person who likes to party a lot, or is full of energy. In a negative context, it means that the person is too intense or hardcore. 
“Tu amigo Alex es muy cañero.”
Your friend Alex is too intense. 
23. Pijo
This word usually refers to young people who dress, behave, or speak, in a way that shows they come from a wealthy social class. “Posh,” “preppy,” and “snob” may be equivalent to this expression. 
“Mira cómo se viste Daniel, como un pijo.”
Look at how Daniel is dressed, he looks like a snob.
24. Flipar
Locals took this slang word from the English verb “to flip” or “flip out,” so it’s an easy Spanish slang word for English speakers to pick up.
“¡¿El jefe dijo eso?! ¡Estoy flipando!”
Our boss actually said that? I can’t believe it!
“Flipar” also means to be crazy about something. Trust us, you’ll say a lot in Spain. 
“Me flipa este libro.”
I’m crazy about this book. / I love this book.
25. Cabrear
When you’re angry, this is how you’ll express it. Spaniards use it as a verb (“¿Por eso se ha cabreado?” / Is that why he got pissed off?) and as a noun: 
“Menudo cabreo lleva el jefe.”
The boss is in rage. 
26. Joder
 The common Spanish slang word ¡”joder”!” can be used to express how good something is: 
¡”Joder, qué bien”!  
Damn! How great!
or how bad it is:
“¡Joder! ¿En serio salimos a las 3 todo el año?”
Damn! Do we really have to leave at 3 all year long?
The tone of voice you use will change the meaning entirely.
27. Ir a tu/su bola
This expression means that a person is minding their own business. You can also use it to say that someone is selfish and puts themselves first. Other versions “ir a tu rollo” and “ir a tu aire” are used in the same way.
“El de recepción va a su bola.” 
The guy in the reception minds his own business. 
28. Mala pata
The expression comes from the ancient Spanish belief that you can earn good luck by carrying a rabbit leg. Someone’s bad luck might be due to their leg being “bad”(“mala pata”)  and so they are left unprotected.  
You can intensify this slang phrase using “muy” (very), for example: “Carmen tiene muy mala pata” (Carmen has very bad luck).
“Carmen se ha roto el brazo. ¡Qué mala pata!”
Carmen has broken her arm. Such bad luck!
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29. Me sabe mal
A favorite slang expression in Spain. It implies that something bad that happened left you with a bad taste in your mouth. 
“Me sabe mal pero no voy a poder invitar a Manolo a la fiesta.” 
I feel bad about it but I won’t be able to invite Manolo to the party. 
30. Pavo / pavos
This word means ‘turkey’ in English. about 100 years ago, people started calling “1 pavo” (1 turkey) to the currency euro because this bird was worth precisely five “pesetas” (1 euro). In Spain, “pavos” means “euros.”
La cena costó 40 pavos. 
Dinner cost 40 bucks. 


10/03 10:38