日期:2022-05-26 21:30  点击:321
 go down in flames
spill the beans
spill the beans
descubrir el pastel
couch potato
couch potato
cool as a cucumber
cool as a cucumber
más fresco que una lechuga
piece of cake
piece of cake
pan comido
rule of thumb
rule of thumb
regla general
make ends meet
make ends meet
llegar a fin de mes
break even
break even
cubrir gastos
rags to riches
rags to riches
mendigo a millonario
ring a bell
ring a bell
pitch in
pitch in
echar una mano
see eye to eye
see eye to eye
estar de acuerdo
snowed under
snowed under
jump on the bandwagon
jump on the bandwagon
subirse al carro
snowball effect
snowball effect
efecto bola de nieve
you can say that again
you can say that again
y que lo digas
to make matters worse
to make matters worse
para colmo de males
speak of the devil
speak of the devil
hablando del rey de Roma
so far so good
so far so good
hasta aquí todo bien
no pain, no gain
si no duele, no sirve
hang in there
no rendirse
easy does it
break a leg
mucha suerte
Better late than never.
Más vale tarde que nunca.
beat around the bush
andar con rodeos


10/02 01:35