日期:2022-06-15 20:55  点击:510
 Eres lo que me recomendó el doctor. (You are what my doctor recommended me).
¿Me prestarías un diccionario? Es que al verte me he quedado sin palabras. (Would you lend me a dictionary? I just remained speechless while looking at you). So, your love interest will definitely think you are a well-read person.
Me gustas más que… (I like you more than…). Since you were looking for flirting Spanish phrases, this one needs some additional info, as we are making a comparison. Use your creativity or at least the one thing you favor the most!
Disculpa, ¿me dices la hora? Es que cuando estoy contigo pierdo la noción del tiempo. (Excuse me, what time is it? When I’m with you I lose the notion of time).
¿Qué hace una estrella volando tan bajo? (How can a star fly so low?)
No sé si eres sueño o realidad pero, si estoy soñando, que no me despierten. (I don’t know if you are a dream or for real, but if I’m sleeping don’t wake me up).
–¿Te han contado cuánto mide el universo? –No. –Entonces no sabes cuánto me gustas. (“Have you ever been told how big is the universo?”, “No”, “Then you have no idea how much I like you”) We are not astrophysicists-biased, but this is an obvious winner, classifiable among the best romantic Spanish phrases.
¿Te dolió cuando caíste del cielo? (Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?). A flirty religious touch to spice things up.
¿Acaba de salir el sol, o es que me has sonreído? (Is the sun just rising or did you smile at me?).
Me encantan tus ojos. ¿Cómo hago para verlos de nuevo? (I love your eyes. What do I need to do to see them again?).
Parece mentira que he pasado (x) años sin conocerte. (It seems unreal to me that I spent (x) years without meeting you).
¿Dónde has estado metido/a durante toda mi vida? (wher were you hiding during all my life?).
Mirándote choqué contra la pared y me hice daño. Necesito tu nombre y tu teléfono para lo del seguro. (I hit the wall as I was looking at you and got hurt. I need your name and phone number, you know, for insurance’s sake).
Espero que sepas de respiración boca a boca porque me has dejado sin aliento. (I hope you know rescue breathing/mouth-to-mouth, because you left me breathless).
¿Crees en el amor a primera vista o deberíamos vernos de nuevo para ver qué pasa? (Do you believe in love at first sight, or should we meet again and see what happens?).


10/01 19:24