提高西班牙语水平的 5 种方法
日期:2022-07-25 20:43  点击:436
 Use It
The most important thing you can do is use Spanish whenever you can, not just in a classroom setting. If you can strike up a friendship with a native Spanish speaker, either in person or on a social medium such as Facebook, that would be ideal. Look for a Spanish speaker trying to learn English, and you can help each other. You may also be able to look for opportunities for volunteer work with Spanish speakers.
Make it a point to learn at least a little bit each day. You might, for example, take a word that's new to you and then use a search engine to see how it is used in other contexts.
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Immerse Yourself
Cathedral of Guatemala City in Plaza de la Constitucion, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Lucy Brown / Getty Images
If you have the time and money, attend a language immersion school. The more time you can immerse yourself in the language the more you'll learn, but even a stay of a week or two can be helpful. Language schools need not be expensive; costs for instruction, room, and the board can total as little as $225 U.S. per week in poorer countries such as Guatemala. If you aren't able to travel to a school, look for one that offers instruction via Skype or other video conferencing software.
Another way to immerse yourself is to vacation in a Spanish-speaking country, and spend some time out of the usual tourist areas so you can come into contact with people who don't speak English. Even if all you can do is order a meal in a restaurant after looking up words from the menu in your dictionary, you'll gain confidence in your ability to communicate with a purpose and be excited about learning more.
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Think in Spanish
Hand posting colorful post-it notes
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images
Learn and regularly say to yourself the names for persons or items you come in contact with every day such as family members, pieces of furniture and articles of clothing. Start making Spanish part of your thought patterns. You might, for example, think silla to yourself when you sit in a chair. Some Spanish students have even placed sticky notes throughout their residences with names of objects. Anything that helps you learn vocabulary without translating in your head will help.
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Get Entertained
Woman watching TV with popcorn
Westend61 / Getty Images
Watch movies or TV shows in Spanish. Even if you're reading subtitles, you'll get a better feel for the rhythm of the language and gradually pick up greetings or other words that are used frequently.
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Leverage Social Media
Man with tablet and headphones on train
Tim Robberts / Getty Images
Join a Spanish-language group on Facebook or another social media site. One bilingual group worth checking out is Lenguajero, and you can find others by looking for groups using terma such as "bilingual," "language exchange" and "Spanish English."
You can align a Spanish-language website that focuses on a subject you're interested in and visit it regularly, or find a Spanish-speaking celebrity and follow him or her on Twitter.
您可以做的最重要的事情是尽可能使用西班牙语,而不仅仅是在课堂环境中。如果您可以亲自或在 Facebook 等社交媒体上与以西班牙语为母语的人建立友谊,那将是理想的选择。寻找一个想学英语的说西班牙语的人,你们可以互相帮助。您也可以寻找与讲西班牙语的人一起做志愿者的机会。
05 的
危地马拉市宪法广场的危地马拉城大教堂, 危地马拉, 危地马拉
如果您有时间和金钱,请参加语言浸入式学校。您沉浸在语言中的时间越多,您学到的东西就越多,但即使停留一两个星期也会有所帮助。语言学校不一定很贵;在危地马拉等较贫穷国家,教学、房间和董事会的费用总计低至每周 225 美元。如果您无法前往学校,请寻找通过 Skype 或其他视频会议软件提供指导的学校。
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克劳斯 Vedfelt / Getty Images
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05 的
加入 Facebook 或其他社交媒体网站上的西班牙语群组。值得一试的双语小组是 Lenguajero,您可以通过查找使用诸如“双语”、“语言交换”和“西班牙语英语”等术语的小组来找到其他小组。
您可以调整一个专注于您感兴趣的主题的西班牙语网站并定期访问它,或者找到一个讲西班牙语的名人并在 Twitter 上关注他或她。..


03/12 13:56