82 averiguar to find out, to inquire, to investigate
83 ayudar to help, to aid, to assist
84 bailar to dance
85 bajar to lower, to let down, to come down, to go down, to descend
86 balbucear to stammer, to hesitate in speech
87 bañarse to bathe oneself, to take a bath
88 barrer to sweep, to whisk
89 bastar to be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice
90 bautizar to baptize, to christen
91 beber to drink
92 bendecir to bless, to consecrate
93 borrar to erase, to cross out
94 bostezar to yawn, to gape
95 botar to fling, to cast (away), to throw (away), to launch
96 broncear to bronze, to tan
97 bullir to boil, to bustle, to hustle, to stir
98 burlarse to make fun of, to poke fun at, to ridicule
99 buscar to look for, to seek
100 caber to be contained, to fit into