122 coger to seize, to take, to grasp, to grab, to catch
123 colegir to collect
124 colgar to hang (up)
125 colocar to put, to place
126 comenzar to begin, to commence, to start
127 comer to eat
128 componer to compose
129 comprar to buy, to purchase
130 comprender to understand
131 conducir to lead, to conduct, to drive
132 confesar to confess
133 conocer to know, to be acquainted with
134 conseguir to attain, to get, to obtain
135 constituir to constitute, to make up
136 construir to construct, to build
137 contar to count, to relate, to tell
138 contener to contain, to hold
139 contestar to answer, to reply
140 continuar to continue