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时间:2022-02-26来源:互联网  进入西班牙语论坛
核心提示:461suspirarto sigh462taerto pluck, to play (a stringed instrument)463telefonearto telephone464telegrafiarto telegraph, t
 461 suspirar to sigh
462 tañer to pluck, to play (a stringed instrument)
463 telefonear to telephone
464 telegrafiar to telegraph, to cable
465 temblar to tremble, to quake, to quiver, to shake, to shiver
466 temer to fear, to dread
467 tender to extend, to offer, to stretch, to spread out, to hang out (washing)
468 tener to have, to hold
469 tentar to examine by touch, to feel with the fingers, to attempt, to try
470 terminar to end, to terminate, to finish
471 tirar to pull, to draw, to pitch (a ball), to shoot (a gun), to throw, to fling
472 tocar to play (a musical instrument), to touch
473 tomar to take, to have (something to eat or to drink)
474 tostar to toast, to tan, to roast (coffee)
475 trabajar to work, to labor
476 traducir to translate
477 traer to bring
478 tratar to try, to treat a subject
479 tropezar to stumble, to blunder
480 unir to connect, to unite, to join, to bind, to attach

热门TAG: 西语词汇
