121. musicla msica122. waterel agua123. serviceel servicio124. recordel registro125. securityla seguridad126. talkla cha...
101. airel aire102. callla llamada103. communityla comunidad104. lookla mirada105. evidencela evidencia106. girlla chica...
81. housela casa82. americanla americana83. fatherel padre84. situationla situacin85. carel coche86. parentel padre87. a...
61. systemel sistema de62. minuteel minuto63. reasonla razn64. campaignla campaa65. workla obra66. nationla nacin67. con...
41. hourla hora42. showel show43. policela polica44. programel programa45. partyel partido46. lawla ley47. wordla palabr...
21. factel hecho22. familyla familia23. storyla historia24. pointel punto25. governmentel gobierno26. moneyel dinero27....
1.people pueblo2.time el tiempo3.year el ao4.thing la cosa5.way el camino6.day el da7.man el hombre8.state el estado9.lo...
QueThat, WhichComoLike, AsPeroButPorqueBecauseEntoncesSo, ThenPuesWell thenAunqueAlthoughMientrasWhileAdemsBesides that...
TodoAll, everyAlgunoSomeMsMoreMenosLessMuyVeryMuchoA lotOtroOtherCasiAlmostMismoSameAsLike thisTambinAlsoHastaUntil, Eve...
CosaThingNadaNothingAlgoSomethingEste/Esto/EstaThis or This oneEse/ Eso/EsaThat or That oneCasaHouseCocheCarIdiomaLangua...
VezOne timeHoyTodayMaanaTomorrowAyerYesterdayHoraHourAoYearDaDaySemanaWeekAntesBeforeDespusAfterTiempoTime or Weather...
HolaHelloAdisGoodbyePor favorPleaseGraciasThank youcmo ests?How are you?BienGoodMe gustaI likeNo me gustaI dont likeLo s...
Estarto be (non-permanent)Irto goHacerto do, to makeHaberto have (as an auxiliary verb)Tenerto have, to possessPoderto b...
Otro/a, otros/asother, anotherTodo/a, todos/aswhole, all or everyCadaeach or everyMismosameGranlarge or great, put befor...
MsmoreYaalready, now, soonMuyveryTambinalsoAsso, like this, like thatBienwellSolo (solamente)onlyAhoranowSiemprealwaysTa...
Enin, on, or atPorthrough, for (as a mean), along, or byParain order to, for (as an end)ConwithSinwithoutSobreabout, abo...
HombremanMujerwomanChico, chicaboy, girlMadremotherPadrefatherHijo, hijason, daughterAmigo/afriendParejapartner, coupleP...
Quethat, who, which, thanYandOorComoas, likePerobut, exceptSiif, whetherPorquebecauseCuandowhenNinor, neitherDondewher...