recapacitar - to reconsiderrecapitular - to recapitulaterecargar - to recharge, to overload, to overdecoraterecetar - to...
rebajar - to reduce, to discount, to humiliatedrebanar - to slicerebantilde;ar - to mop up (informal)rebatir - to refute...
rasquetear - to scrape, to groomrastrear - to comb (lugar), to track, to trailrastrillar - to rakerasurar - to shaverati...
radicar - to lie (problema)radiografiar - to x-rayradiotelegrafiar - to radiotelegraphraer - to scrape, to smoothrajar -...
respirar - to breathe, breathe in, inhaleresponder - to respond, answer, reply toresultar - to turn out (to be), prove [...
renacer - to be rebornrenovar - to renew; to renovaterenunciar - to renounce, surrender, resignrentilde;ir - to quarrel,...
regalar - to give [as a gift]; to present; to give away; to treat royally, pamperregar - to water, irrigate, wash, sprin...
realizar - to achieve, attain, accomplish, realizerechazar - to reject; to push back, repelrecibir - to receive; to welc...
quebrar - to break, smash; to fail, go bankruptquebrarse - to break, smash, get brokenquedar - to stay, remain, be left;...
payasear - to clown aroundpecar - to sin, to transgresspedalear - to pedalpelar - to peelpelechar - to molt, to grow hai...
particularizar - to distinguishpartir - to leave, to breakpasear - to take a walkpastar - to grazepasteurizar - to paste...
paralizar - to paralyzeparagonar - to compareparasitar - to parasitizeparchar - to patchparcelar - to divide into plotsp...
provocar - to provokepublicar - to publishpurificar - to purifypacificar - to pacifypactar - to pactpaginar - to paginat...
predecir - to predict, foretell, forecastpreferir - to preferpreguntar - to ask, inquirepreguntarse - to wonder, ask one...
perder - to loseperdonar - to forgive, pardon, excusepermanecer - to stay, remainpermitir - to permit, allowperseguir -...
padecer - to sufferpagar - to pay, paynbsp;forparar - to stop, haltparecer - to seem, appearparticipar - to participate,...
osar - to dareoscilar - to oscillate, to fluctuateoscurecer - to darkenotorgar - to grantoir - to hearorientar - to orie...
opinar - to thinkoponer - to opposeopositar - to take a competitive examinationoprimir - to oppress, to pressoptar - to...
ofertar - to offeroficiar - to officiateofrendar - to offer (religioso)ofuscar - to dazzle (brillo/sol), to blind (celos...
obcecar - to blindobjetar - to objectobliterar - to obliterate, to eraseobrar - to build, to workobsequiar - to give a g...