celebrar - to celebrate; to praise, applaudcenar - to eat dinner, have dinner; to dine; to have for dinnercensurar - to...
caminar - to walk, gocancelar - to cancel; to wipe out, write off [debt]cansarse - to get tired, get worn out, get weary...
caer - to fallcalcular - to calculate, compute, add upcalentar - to heat [up], warm [up]calentarse - to heat up, warm up...
batear - to batbajarse - get downborbotar - seethebifurcarse - fork, branchbifurcar - branchbeatificar - beatifybalancea...
bromear - to jokebrotar - to sprout, to come out, to risebrujulear - to fan out carefully (cartas)bruntilde;ir - to poli...
bornear - to swing at anchorborrajear - to scribblebosquejar - to sketchbostezar - to yawnbotar - to fling, to launch, t...
boconear - to gossipbochar - to squash, to flunk (estudiante)bochinchear - to fight (informal)boicotear - to boycottbole...
barbechar - to ploughbasar - to basebastar - to be enough, to be sufficient, to sufficebatallar - to battle, to fightbec...
balancear - to swing, to balancebalbucear - to babble, to stutter, to stammerbalear - to shootbalsear - to cross on a ra...
borrar - to erase, rub out, to cross out, obliterate, wipe outbrillar - to shine, sparkle, glitter, gleambrindar - to to...
bajar - to lower, go down, descend, downloadbantilde;arse - to take a bath, bathe [oneself]barrer - to sweep, sweep clea...
arrastrarse - crawl, creepapostrofar - salutations, speak toacensuar - exciseaproximarse - approachadular - adulate, fla...
armar - to arm, to put together, to assemblearrancar - to startarrestar - to arrest, to detain, to confinearticular - to...
agregarse - affiliatearrullar - lullaherir - adherence, append, foistaturdir - daze, numb, stunaocrrar - fastenatontar -...
amistar - reconcilealternar - take turnsatormentar - harass, tantalizeagravarse - deteriorateatrancarse - stuckabismarse...
amoldar - sculptacantonar - accommodateatisbar - peekacardenalar - to queezeacomunarse - allyapearse - dismountadormecer...
aquietar - calm down, reassure, soothe, to appeasearredrar - disjoin, disrupt, dissociate, unlinkaletear - flicker, flou...
amorrar - pout, sulkanexar - affiliatearmonizar - attunearremeter - accrueaprehender - apprehendamplificar - amplifyazuz...
anidar - nestlealmiar - haycock, hayrick, haystack, rickamontonar - amassatemperar - mollifyapualar - stabasalter - assa...
admirarse - to be surprisedalejarse - to go awayaltercar - to quarrelapartarse - to go away, departaprestar - to make re...