Habla Ud. ingls? Do you speak English?Se habla ingls aqu? Does anyone here speak English?Disclpeme por hablar tan mal el...
S. Yes.No. No.Por favor. Please.Gracias. Thank you.De nada. You're welcome.Perdneme. Excuse me.Lo siento. I'......
#66 AdisGoodbye(ah-dee-OS)#67 Buenas noches!Goodnight!(BWAY-nas NO-ches)#68 Hasta luego!See you later(AS-ta loo-AY-go)#6...
#57 Divirtete!Have fun!(di-bih-EHR-te-te)#58 Buen viaje!Have a good trip!(bwu-EN bih-AH-hay)#59 Buen provecho!Bon appeti...
#46 Me llamoMy name is(me YA-mo )#47 Mi nombre esMy name is(mi NOM-bray es )#48 (Yo) tengoaosI amyears old.(yo TEN-goAN-...
#33 Cmo te llamas?What is your name?(KOH-moh teh YAH-mas)#34 Qu hora tienes?What time is it?(kay OH-ra tee-EN-es)#35 Dnd...
qu?what?(kay)cmo?how?(KOH-moh)cundo?when?(KWAN-doh)dnde?where?(DON-day)quin?who?(KEE-en)por qu?why?(por KAY)cul?whi...
#22 Podra ayudarle?Can I help you?(poh-DREE-a ay-oo-DAR-le)#22 Puede ayudarme?Can you help me?(PWE-day ay-oo-DAR-may)#23...
#14 Gracias!Thank you!(GRA-thee-as/GRA-see-as)#15 Por favorPlease(por fah-BOR)#16 De nada!Youre welcome!(de NA-da)#17 Pe...
#5 Cmo ests?How are you?(KOH-moh eh-STAHS)#6 Cmo te va?Hows it going?(KOH-moh te BAH)#7 Cmo te ha ido?Howve you been?(KO...
#1 Hola!Hello(O-la)#2 Buenos das!Good morning!(BWAY-nos DEE-as)#3 Buenas tardes!Good evening!(BWAY-nas TAR-des)#4 Bienve...
Tengo que ir al colegio.I have to go to school.Tienes que comer sano.You have to eat healthily.Tiene que salir ahora.He...
1.Qu [verbo] = what [verb]Qu haces esta tarde?What are you doing this afternoon? [you = t]Qu desean de postre?What would...
Te gusta viajar por Europa?Do you like travelling around Europe?The answer can be positive or negative:S, me gusta viaja...
Me gusta el chocolate.I like chocolate.Notice how in English it is a straightforward sentence:Subject (I) + verb (like)...
7 de febrero de 1986.7th February 1986 / February 7 198615 de julio de 1949.15th July 1949 / July 15 194923 de diciembre...
Yo trabajo en una oficina.I work in an office.Yo trabajo como secretaria en una empresa.I work as a secretary in a compa...
If we don't know what something is and want to ask for its definition, we use the simple question:Qu es? (What i......
Cmo ests?How are you? [informal you]Cmo est?How are you? [formal you]Depending on the level of formality required with t...
Yo soy profesor.I am a teacher.T eres peluquera.You are a hairdresser.Pablo es panadero.Pablo is a baker.Marina es jardi...