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时间:2018-05-16来源:互联网  进入西班牙语论坛
核心提示:  顺利接到国外学校的offer后,学生需要向大使馆申请学生签证,而在准备签证申请的过程中,材料的准备是十分重要的。有些国家
  学习计划,Study Plan,的写作类似于申请学校时写的个人陈述,首先,开门见山,申请人需对自己的基本情况、教育背景、所获成绩等作出详细的介绍,例如:Study Plan
  Dear Visa Officer:
  I am the applicant XXXX, and my English name is XXXX. At present, I am a senior at XXXX University majoring Chinese Language and Literature. At the end of this March, I received the offer of Brock University, and now I am writing to apply for a student permit for further study in your esteemed country.
  I was born in an intellectual family, and both of my parents are intellectuals. Influenced by such favorable family environment, I have formed keen interests in reading since my childhood. Browsing through an extensive range of writings, I have greatly enlarged my ken of knowledge, and, at the same time, built commendable value and view towards life. Since I was at primary school, I have released numberless essays in newspapers and magazines. Worth mentioning, my novel The Edge of Perspective won excellent praises and enabled me to stand out from the rest in Global Huawen Youth Writing Talent Contest, and now it has been collected in book with other excellent writings and published.
  Reviewing my four years‘ campus life, I realize that what I have gained is not only accumulation of knowledge but also improvement of both intellectual and psychological quality. I have spent three years in completing four years’ credits and kept brilliant academic records ranking top 20%. In the second academic year, now that I passed the entrance examination of Enhancing Class of Literature, I had more opportunities to attend experts‘ lectures, which inspired my in-depth thinking. Finally, I successfully edited the collection of theses Tansi as Deputy Editor-in-chief. Besides, I have also done lots of jobs concerning scientific research of students and applied for some research topics for students; my thesis Survey and Research on Imitative Writing of College Students won the third prize in Challenge Cup Thesis Competition. In order to enhance my cultivation of foreign literatures, at university, I have also undertaken lots of specialized courses of Foreign Languages Department including History of English Literature, seleced Reading of English Literature, History of American Literature and so on, which not only satisfied my thirst for literature but also, subtly, enabled me to improve greatly my English proficiency.
  Our university is a cradle to cultivate excellent talents, staying wher for four years, definitely, I have greatly enhanced professional quality and specialized skills.
  I appreciate my parents, who gave me best education all the while. from primary school, junior high school to senior high school, I studied at top schools in my hometown. Here not only provided me with favorable education environment and excellent teaching faculty but also enabled me to know lots of knowledgeable and promising classmates. I have many classmates studying abroad in various countries of the world, encouraged by whom, as well as driven by my intensive thirst for pursuing more knowledge and sensing distinctive cultures and advanced education, I long for studying abroad. My motherland China boasts a long history of 5,000 years; as a major of Chinese Language and Literature, I understand deeply Chinese traditions and cultures, and I have got an affection towards the mainland of our country. In the 21st century, China is in face of infinite opportunities and challenges; definitely, education will play a significant role in the future development of the society. How to make education keep pace with the international development and how to absorb advanced teaching experience in western countries and combine it with the domestic status quo to work out proper education guideline and principles suitable for quality education for our people have become 再problems calling for great attentions and urgent solutions. Now that I notice the large developing space, I earnestly hope to further study the program of International Educational Management offered by Brock University in your renowned country, which will be not only a kind of extension of my major study but also a perfect way for me to develop a brand new angle based on the original area. Should I bring in advanced experience of educational management abroad to our country and devote myself to the construction of China, I suppose, it will be of great value and meaning in my lifetime.
  Now I submit my application with full confidence in the hope of winning a favorable permit. Many thanks for your kind consideration!

热门TAG: 留学
