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时间:2021-01-27来源:互联网  进入西班牙语论坛
核心提示:西班牙考试制度来看中西教育差异  众所周知,教育是每个时期的一个重点。在全球化的浪潮下,西方有一些优秀的教育理念已经广泛
  It is generally known that educations issue is one of the focuses of any ages. Within the trend of globalization, some of occidental excellent education concepts have been spread into China and China’s education has been, gradually, geared to international standards. about China’s education, it is famous for sternness, tenseness and “cruelness” and quizzes and tests are as a daily necessity. Especially, China’s College Entrance Examination is the only way which must be passed.
  Our project covers majority of China’s and Spain’s education, and we chatted with a Spanish friend and compared with education differences in various parts. This is our friend, a great Spanish beauty, a doctor in The University of Nottingham Ningbo China.
  1. 网上搜索关于大学英语六级的试题
  2. 收集需要展示给外国友人的图片
  3. 简单了解西班牙的教育体制
  1. Search the Internet for examination questions about CET62. Collect pictures will be showed to the foreign friend3. Learn Spanish education system simply
  (1) Bea觉得单选题难度不一。有些选项很相似,有些选项并不是唯一的,所以有些题目让她不解。
  Part 1
  Firstly, we prepared a paper which was composed of some CET6 questions for Bea. We wanted her to experience the Chinese school test.
  The content of test paper: 10 multiple choices + 1 listening comprehension + 1 cloze We had an interview with her after she finished the paper. She said that some questions were fresh and some were too difficult.
  (1) Bea thought the item difficulty was different. Some options were similar and some questions were not unique, which made her confused.
  (2) She liked cloze very much. She thought it can practice and improve students’ English abilities effectively.
  (3) She thought listening comprehension was truly difficult and the questions should be listed in advance.
  At first, we introduced some information about Chinese college entrance examination to Bea, like the date of exam and the importance of the exam. Then we also showed some pictures about the examination to her and we talked about this a lot. She thought that Chinese students were under constant pressure, their parents and teachers put too much pressure on them. She believed that Chinese students were facing much more pressure than Spanish before college entrance examination.
  We asked Bea some questions about Spanish exams, such as the frequency and subjects of Spanish exams. She said Spanish students only have two exams each semester and her test subjects were mainly English, Spanish history and mathematics for that she chose humanity. These three were compulsory, andshe also needed to elect other three subjects, such as social science, Latin,music and so on.
  We showed some pictures about Chinese class to her and told her how the Chinese education is. Our foreign friend expressed her surprise and thought it was so hard. Then when we asked her views about Chinese education, she said people work very effectively under the great pressure and took Spanish students for example. In Spain, high school students have three weeks to work hard in December, March and June because they are stressful. She thought that if people do not have pressure, it is difficult to keep motivation. But she considered too much pressure might have the opposite effect. Young people need some times to enjoy life.
  Then we had lunch together in our school’s dining hall.
  Through this cross-cultural activity, we learned something about Spanish educational system and we also saw the differences between Chinese and Spanish education. There is no harm without contrast for that Chinese students really get through a hard during our schooldays. But that's not an excuse for us to indulge in college.
  At the same time, we also learned a lot. During the whole process, we communicated with Bea frequently without obstacles, which greatly improved our confidence on English speaking.

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