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时间:2022-07-25来源:互联网  进入西班牙语论坛
核心提示:If you only learn one phrase in Spanish before your trip, make it be how to say hello. Locals will always appreciate you
 If you only learn one phrase in Spanish before your trip, make it be how to say "hello." Locals will always appreciate your effort to speak their language, so learn how to greet them in Spanish.
Hello: hola (oh-lah)
Good morning: Buenos días (bway-nos dee-ahs)
Good afternoon: Buenas tardes (bway-nahs tar-des)
Good evening: Buenas noches (bway-nahs noh-chess)
How are you?: ¿Cómo está? (coh-moh es-tah)
Good, thank you: Bien, gracias (bee-ehn, grah-see-ahs)
Can you speak English?: ¿Habla inglés? (hah-blah een-glays)
Asking for Directions 
As a traveler, some of the most common phrases you can expect to use have to do with directions. You might need to ask someone wher your hotel is, wher the restroom is, or wher you can get a meal. And, of course, you'll need to be able to understand their response, too.
wher is...?: ¿Dónde está...? (Dhohn-dheh ehs-TAH)
wher is a restaurant?: ¿Dónde hay un restaurante? (Dhohn-dheh eye oon rest-ore-rahn-tay)
wher is the restroom? ¿Dónde está el baño? (Dhohn-dheh ehs-tah el ban-yo)
How far?: ¿A que distancia? (Ah kay dhees-tan-syah)
Right: A la derecha (Ah lah dey-ray-chah) 
Left: A la izquierda (Ah lah eez-key-ayr-dah)
Ahead: Derecho (De-rey-choh)
Can you help me?: ¿Puede ayudarme? (Pweh-dhe ah-yoo-dh-AHR-meh)
Please: Por favor (por fav-ore)
Thank you: Gracias (gra-see-uhs)
Eating in a Restaurant
When you're not asking locals for directions, you'll most likely be asking for food and drinks in restaurants. After all, you'll find the best food at the places that don't have English menus for tourists. Learn the restaurant basics and you'll be all set to handle eating out in a foreign country.
How much is it?: ¿Cuanto cuesta? (Kwahn-toh kweh-stah)
The bill, please: La cuente, por favor (Lah kwhen-tah, por-fav-ore)
That was delicious: Estuvo delicioso (est-ooh-vo del-ish-ee-oh-so)
I am vegetarian: Soy vegetariano/a (soy veg-et-air-ee-an-oh/ah)
A table: Una mesa (oona me-sah)
A menu: Un menú (oon mey-noo)
A drink: Una bebida (oon-ah beh-beed-ah)
Beer: Cerveza (ser-vay-sah)
Red or white wine: Vino tinto or blanco (vee-noh teen-toh or blahn-coh)
Water: Agua (ahg-wah)
A coffee: Un café (uhn cah-fey)
Sandwich: Torta (tore-tah)
Burger: Hamburguesa (ham-burg-ess-ah)
Chicken: Pollo (poy-oh)
Spicy: Picante (pick-ant-ay)
早上好:Buenos días (bway-nos dee-ahs)
下午好:Buenas tardes (bway-nahs tar-des)
晚上好:Buenas noches (bway-nahs noh-chess)
你好吗?:¿Cómo está? (coh-moh es-tah)
好的,谢谢:Bien, gracias (bee-ehn, grah-see-ahs)
你会说英语吗?:¿Habla inglés? (哈布拉恩格拉斯)
在哪里...?:¿Dónde está...? (Dhohn-dheh ehs-TAH)
餐厅在哪里?:¿Dónde hay un restaurante? (Dhohn-dheh eye oon rest-ore-rahn-tay)
洗手间在哪里? ¿ Dónde está el baño? (Dhohn-dheh ehs-tah el ban-yo)
多远?:¿A que distancia? (啊凯 dhees-tan-syah)
右:A la derecha (Ah lah dey-ray-chah)
左:A la izquierda (Ah lah eez-key-ayr-dah)
你能帮我吗?:¿Puede ayudarme? (Pweh-dhe ah-yoo-dh-AHR-meh)
请:Por 赞成 (por fav-ore)
谢谢:Gracias (gra-see-uhs)
多少钱?:¿Cuanto cuesta? (Kwahn-toh kweh-stah)
账单,拜托:La cuente, por favour (Lah kwhen-tah, por-fav-ore)
那很好吃:Estuvo delicioso(est-ooh-vo del-ish-ee-oh-so)
我是素食主义者:大豆素食主义者/a(soy veg-et-air-ee-an-oh/ah)
表:Una mesa(oona me-sah)
菜单:un menuú(oon mey-noo)
饮料: Una bebida (oon-ah beh-beed-ah)
啤酒:Cerveza (ser-vay-sah)
红葡萄酒或白葡萄酒:Vino tinto 或 blanco(vee-noh teen-toh 或 blahn-coh)
一杯咖啡:Un cafe (uhn cah-fey)
三明治:Torta (tore-tah)
汉堡: Hamburguesa (ham-burg-ess-ah)

热门TAG: 西班牙语词汇
