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  • 基本的西班牙语短语 日期:2022-02-26 点击:345

    S. Yes.No. No.Por favor. Please.Gracias. Thank you.De nada. You're welcome.Perdneme. Excuse me.Lo siento. I'......

  • 再见时用的西班牙语句子 日期:2022-02-26 点击:287

    #66 AdisGoodbye(ah-dee-OS)#67 Buenas noches!Goodnight!(BWAY-nas NO-ches)#68 Hasta luego!See you later(AS-ta loo-AY-go)#6...

  • 用于特殊场合的西班牙表达 日期:2022-02-26 点击:283

    #57 Divirtete!Have fun!(di-bih-EHR-te-te)#58 Buen viaje!Have a good trip!(bwu-EN bih-AH-hay)#59 Buen provecho!Bon appeti...

  • 介绍自己时用的西班牙语句子 日期:2022-02-26 点击:255

    #46 Me llamoMy name is(me YA-mo )#47 Mi nombre esMy name is(mi NOM-bray es )#48 (Yo) tengoaosI amyears old.(yo TEN-goAN-...

  • 最常用的西班牙语问句 日期:2022-02-26 点击:448

    #33 Cmo te llamas?What is your name?(KOH-moh teh YAH-mas)#34 Qu hora tienes?What time is it?(kay OH-ra tee-EN-es)#35 Dnd...

  • 西班牙语提问句子 日期:2022-02-26 点击:330

    qu?what?(kay)cmo?how?(KOH-moh)cundo?when?(KWAN-doh)dnde?where?(DON-day)quin?who?(KEE-en)por qu?why?(por KAY)cul?whi...

  • 需求帮助时用的西班牙语 日期:2022-02-26 点击:258

    #22 Podra ayudarle?Can I help you?(poh-DREE-a ay-oo-DAR-le)#22 Puede ayudarme?Can you help me?(PWE-day ay-oo-DAR-may)#23...

  • 常用的西班牙语礼貌用语 日期:2022-02-26 点击:258

    #14 Gracias!Thank you!(GRA-thee-as/GRA-see-as)#15 Por favorPlease(por fah-BOR)#16 De nada!Youre welcome!(de NA-da)#17 Pe...

  • 和人交流常用的西班牙语口语 日期:2022-02-26 点击:324

    #5 Cmo ests?How are you?(KOH-moh eh-STAHS)#6 Cmo te va?Hows it going?(KOH-moh te BAH)#7 Cmo te ha ido?Howve you been?(KO...

  • 最实用的西班牙语口语 日期:2022-02-26 点击:240

    #1 Hola!Hello(O-la)#2 Buenos das!Good morning!(BWAY-nos DEE-as)#3 Buenas tardes!Good evening!(BWAY-nas TAR-des)#4 Bienve...

  • 用西班牙语表达义务 日期:2022-02-16 点击:293

    Tengo que ir al colegio.I have to go to school.Tienes que comer sano.You have to eat healthily.Tiene que salir ahora.He...

  • 用西班牙语提问什么 日期:2022-02-16 点击:361

    1.Qu [verbo] = what [verb]Qu haces esta tarde?What are you doing this afternoon? [you = t]Qu desean de postre?What would...

  • 用西班牙语表示喜欢做某事 日期:2022-02-16 点击:313

    Te gusta viajar por Europa?Do you like travelling around Europe?The answer can be positive or negative:S, me gusta viaja...

  • 怎么用西班牙语说喜欢 日期:2022-02-16 点击:697

    Me gusta el chocolate.I like chocolate.Notice how in English it is a straightforward sentence:Subject (I) + verb (like)...

  • 表达西班牙语的日期 日期:2022-02-16 点击:763

    7 de febrero de 1986.7th February 1986 / February 7 198615 de julio de 1949.15th July 1949 / July 15 194923 de diciembre...

  • 怎么说我工作/你工作/你做什么? 日期:2022-02-16 点击:327

    Yo trabajo en una oficina.I work in an office.Yo trabajo como secretaria en una empresa.I work as a secretary in a compa...

  • 西班牙语怎么问那是什么? 日期:2022-02-16 点击:281

    If we don't know what something is and want to ask for its definition, we use the simple question:Qu es? (What i......

  • 用西班牙语怎么说你好吗? 日期:2022-02-16 点击:666

    Cmo ests?How are you? [informal you]Cmo est?How are you? [formal you]Depending on the level of formality required with t...

  • 西语不使用冠词 日期:2022-02-16 点击:312

    Yo soy profesor.I am a teacher.T eres peluquera.You are a hairdresser.Pablo es panadero.Pablo is a baker.Marina es jardi...

  • 怎么说我有/你有西班牙语(占有) 日期:2022-02-09 点击:477

    To talk about what you have, for example, a house, a pet, a car, etc., we use the verb tener (to have).Have a look at th...

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