curiosidadfeminine noun1. curiosity (deseo de saber)sentir o tener curiosidad por - to be curious about2. neatness, tidi...
caza1. cacera: hunt, hunting2. gameacechararticleverb transitive1. To waylay, to lie in ambush, to lurk, to spy on, to w...
asombrosoadjective1. Wonderful, astonishing, marvellous.visionario, -aadjectivemasculine or feminine noun1. visionary...
terminarpronomial verb1. to finish (finalizar)2. to run out (agotarse) (repuestos, vveres)se nos ha terminado el azcar -...
graciosoa, -aadjetivo1. (divertido) funny; amusinguna situacin muy graciosa - a very funny o amusing situation;lo gracio...
recordararticleverb transitive1. To remind; to call to recollection (traer a la memoria).Recordar algo a uno - to remind...
adivinararticleverb transitive1. To foretell future events, to soothsay.2. To conjecture, anticipate, or divine, to give...
CAMBIAR1. alterar, modificar : to change2: to exchange, to tradeintransitive verb1: to change2. cambiar de velocidad : t...
EXPLICAR: to explainexplicarse reflexive verb: to understand...
actitudfeminine noun1. attitude (disposicin de nimo)con esa actitud no vamos a ninguna parte - we won't get anyw......
compaeronoun1. Companion, friend, consort, an equal, a match, a compre, a mate, one with whom a person frequently conver...
cenafeminine noun1. dinner, evening mealdar una cena - to give a dinner partycena de despedida - farewell dinnerla ltima...
corazonadanoun1. Courage, an impulse of the heart to encounter dangers. (f)2. Presentiment, foreboding. (f)3. Entrails....
atrasararticleverb transitive1. To put back, to set back; to retard, to slow down.Atrasar un reloj - to put a clock back...
Cmo van las cosas? - How's everything going?...
ridculoadjetivoridiculousA que suena ridculo? - Doesn't it sound ridiculous?hiciste el ridculo - you made a fool......
GENTE1: people2: relatives pl, folks plural3. gente menuda familiar : children, kids plural4. ser buena gente : to be ni...
mscaranoun1. Mask, a cover to disguise the face. (f)Quitar la mscara a uno - to unmask somebody2. Masquerade. (f)3. Mask...
alientonoun1. Breath. (m)2. Vigor of mind, spirit, manfulness, courageousness. (m)Yo fu all de un aliento - I went thith...
ansioso, -aadjective1. impatient (impaciente)estar ansioso, -a por o de hacer algo - to be impatient to do something2. i...