dadomasculine noun1. dice, dieadjective1. givendada la naturaleza del caso - given the nature of the caseen un momento d...
plagafeminine noun1. plague (de insectos)plaga de langostas - plague of locusts2. swarm (de gente)3. plague (epidemia)un...
viajemasculine noun1. journey, trip (en general) ; voyage (en barco)buen viaje! - have a good journey o trip!fue un viaj...
tamao, -aadjective1. suchcmo pudo decir tamaa estupidez! - how could he say such a stupid thing!masculine noun2. sizeson...
lamentararticleverb transitive1. To lament (prdida), to mourn (muerte), to bewail, to moan, to complain (quejarse).verb...
regirarticleverb transitive1. To rule (pas), to govern, to direct.2. To rule, to conduct, to manage (expresa), to lead,...
TIRO1. balazo, disparo : shot, gunshot2: shot, kick (in sports)3: flue4: team (of horses, etc.)5. a tiro : within range6...
pensarintransitive verb1. to thinkpensar en algo/en alguien/en hacer algo - to think about something/about somebody/abou...
contararticleverb transitive1. To count, to reckon, to number, to enumerate, to relate, to mention.Contar con los dedos...
ardillanoun1. Squirrel. (f)2. Granulating machine. (Mecahnic) (f)3. Clever businessman; businesswoman. (Ante MeridianLat...
adorararticleverb transitive1. To adore, to reverence with religious worship, to idolatrize.2. To love excessively.excit...
alcanzararticleverb transitive1. To catch up with.2. To overtake, to come up, to reach, to carry far.3. To reach a thing...
pisoteartransitive verb1. to trample on (con el pie)2. to scorn (humillar)3. to trample over (desobedecer)puntiagudo, -a...
pacficoadjective1. Pacific, peaceful, desirous of peace; tranquil, undisturbed; mild, gentle.noun2. Pacific (Ocano). (m)...
mudoadjective1. Dumb, silent (callado), still, mute.Quedarse mudo de asombro - to be dumbfoundedQuedarse mudo de envidia...
debernoun1. Obligation, duty. (m)2. Debt. (m)Hacer su deber - to fulfil ones dutyarticleverb transitive1. To owe, not to...
citanoun1. Appointment, engagement, a meeting appointed; rendez-vous. (f)Acudir a una cita - to keep an appointment, tur...
pagararticleverb transitive1. To pay, to discharge a debt (deuda), to acquit.2. To be liable for customs duties; used of...
orarticleverb transitive1. To hear, to listen.Has odo campanas y no sabes dnde - you dont really know what youre talking...
declinarverb neuter1. To decline, to lean downward. (n)2. To decline, to sink, to be impaired, to decay, to degenerate,...