262 heredar to inherit
263 herir to harm, to hurt, to wound
264 huir to escape, to flee, to run away, to slip away
265 ignorar to be ignorant of, not to know
266 impedir to hinder, to impede, to prevent
267 importar to matter, to be important
268 imprimir to imprint, to impress, to print, to fix in the mind
269 incluir to include, to enclose
270 indicar to indicate, to point out
271 inducir to induce, to influence, to persuade
272 influir to influence
273 informarse to inform oneself, to find out
274 inscribir to inscribe, to record, to register
275 inscribirse to enroll, to register
276 insistir to insist, to persist
277 interesarse to be interested in
278 introducir to introduce
279 invitar to invite
280 ir to go