282 jugar to play (a game, sport)
283 juntar to join, to unite, to connect
284 jurar to swear, to take an oath
285 juzgar to judge
286 lanzar to throw, to hurl, to fling, to launch
287 lastimarse to hurt oneself, to feel sorry for, to complain, to regret
288 lavar to wash
289 lavarse to wash oneself
290 leer to read
291 levantar to lift, to raise
292 levantarse to get up, to rise
293 limpiar to clean
294 limpiarse to clean oneself
295 llamar to call, to name
296 llamarse to call oneself, to be named
297 llegar to arrive
298 llenar to fill
299 llevar to carry (away), to take (away), to wear
300 llorar to weep, to cry, to whine