paralizar - to paralyzeparagonar - to compareparasitar - to parasitizeparchar - to patchparcelar - to divide into plotsp...
provocar - to provokepublicar - to publishpurificar - to purifypacificar - to pacifypactar - to pactpaginar - to paginat...
predecir - to predict, foretell, forecastpreferir - to preferpreguntar - to ask, inquirepreguntarse - to wonder, ask one...
perder - to loseperdonar - to forgive, pardon, excusepermanecer - to stay, remainpermitir - to permit, allowperseguir -...
padecer - to sufferpagar - to pay, paynbsp;forparar - to stop, haltparecer - to seem, appearparticipar - to participate,...
osar - to dareoscilar - to oscillate, to fluctuateoscurecer - to darkenotorgar - to grantoir - to hearorientar - to orie...
opinar - to thinkoponer - to opposeopositar - to take a competitive examinationoprimir - to oppress, to pressoptar - to...
ofertar - to offeroficiar - to officiateofrendar - to offer (religioso)ofuscar - to dazzle (brillo/sol), to blind (celos...
obcecar - to blindobjetar - to objectobliterar - to obliterate, to eraseobrar - to build, to workobsequiar - to give a g...
obedecer - to obeyobligar - to obligeobtener - to obtain, getocurrir - to occur, happenodiar - to hateofender - to offen...
normalizar - to normalizenormar - to control, to regulatenoticiar - to informnotificar - to notify, to informnovelar - t...
narrar - to narrate, to tellnaturalizar - to naturalizenaufragar - to be shipwrecked, to suffer wrecknecear - to mess ar...
nacer - to be bornnadar - to swimnavegar - to navigate, sailnecesitar - to need, requirenegar - to deny, refusenegarse -...
momificar - mummifymultiplexar - multiplexmenoscabar - damagemasturbarse - masturbatemanager - boss, managermedicar - me...
menguar - to diminish, to reducemenospreciar - to scorn, to disdain, to underestimatementar - to mentionmerodear - to ma...
municipalizar - to municipalizemurmurar - to murmurmutilar - to mutilatemadrugar - to get up earlymalcriar - to spoil, t...
mojar - to wet, to moistenmojonear - to spin a yarn, to tell stories (some countries)moldear - to shapemoler - to grindm...
matricular - to register, to enroll, to matriculatemediar - to intermediate, to be in the middlemedir - to measuremedita...
manejar - to manage, to handle, to drivemanipulear - to manipulatemanufacturar - to manufacturemanuscribir - to write by...
maleficiar - to damage, to harm, to injuremalgastar - to squander, to wastemaliciar - to suspectmalinterpretar - to misi...