indignar - to make angry, to get angry, to make indignantindisponer - to disable, to indisposeindividualizar - to indivi...
impedir - to preventimperar - to reign, to ruleimplicar - to implicate, to implyimplorar - to imploreimponer - to impose...
igualar - to equalize, to make equalilegalizar - to make illegaliluminar - to illuminateilusionar - to build upimaginar...
invadir - to invade, overruninventar - to inventinvertir - to investinvestigar - to investigateinvitar - to inviteinvoca...
informar - to inform, tell, announceiniciar - to initiate, begin, startinmigrar - to immigrateinsistir - to insistinstal...
ilustrar - to illustrate, explain, make clearimportar - to import/I; Ito be important, be of consequence, matterimprimir...
hospedar - to guesthospitalizar - to hospitalizehostigar - to harass, to bother, to beathumedecer - to dampenhumillar -...
haber - to have (auxiliary)haber - there to be (impersonal)habilitar - to qualify, to equip, to activatehalagar - to fla...
hartar - to get fed uphechizar - to bewicht, to cast a spell on, to captivateheredar - to inherithermosear - to beautify...
hablar - to speakhacer - to do, makehallar - to find; to discover; to locate; to find outhallarse - to be, to find onese...
guarecer - to give shelterguiar - to winkgranar - to bear fruitgarabatear - scrabble, scrawlglobular - globulargranear -...
gozar - to enjoygrabar - to recordgraduar - to adjust, calibrate (instrumento)gravar - to burdengravitar - to gravitateg...
guardar - to guard, watch over, protect, take care of; to keep, hold on to; to put away, store awayguiar - to guidegusta...
ganar - to win, gain, earn, get, acquiregastar - to spend, expend; to use up, consume; to wear away, wear downgeneraliza...
fulminar - fulminatefertilizar - fertilizefiltrarse - permeatefugarse - leak (v)friccionar - rubbingfederarse - federate...
fosilizarse - fossilizefructificar - fructifyfarfullar - mumblefranquear - put a stamp onferiar - exchangefalisficar - c...
fragmentar - to fragmentfrecuentar - to frequentfrenar - to break, to slow down, to restrainfruncir - to wrinkle, to puc...
fragmentar - to fragmentfrecuentar - to frequentfrenar - to break, to slow down, to restrainfruncir - to wrinkle, to puc...
filmar - to filmfiscalizar - to supervise, to controlflexionar - to flexfluctuar - to fluctuate, to varyfluir - to flow,...
forzar - to forcefotocopiar - to photocopyfotografiar - to photographfregar - to mopfrotar - to rubfrustrar - to frustra...