financiar - to financeflamear - to flutter, to flapflanquear - to flankflechar - to sweep off (amor)flirtear - to flirtf...
freiacute;r - to fryfumar - to smokefacilitar - to provide, to make easyfallar - to failfallecer - to pass awayfalsifica...
fabricar - to manufacturefaltar - to lack, be lacking, be missing, be absentfascinar - to fascinate, captivatefelicitar...
erogar - distributeexhumar - exhumeexacerbar - exacerbateenarbolar - hoistescandalizar - scandalizeescombrar - clear awa...
expatriar - expatriateenfangar - smudgeescaparse - escape, leak (v), run awayextraviarse - straggleexorcizar - exorcisee...
encajonar - encaseeructar - burpestilizar - stylizeestigmatizar - stigmatizeescatimar - scant, skimpescrutar - scrutiniz...
exterminar - exterminateespecular - speculateempaquetar - envelop, wrapenredarse - hamperesforzarse - striveexpectorar -...
enlodar - polluteelectrizar - electrifyestafar - diddleexultar - rejoiceencentar - cut intoensanchar - broaden, widenext...
estipular - stipulateencogerse - cringeescabullirse - sneakentrecruzar - thwarting, to thwartentretejer - interweaveempe...
execrar - execrateenfurecerse - enrageengendrar - beget, engenderestratificar - stratifyexonerar - exonerateexcomulgar -...
espirar - to expire, dieestremecerse - (pres. [estremezco]), to receive a shock,expirar - to expire, dieesclavizar - ens...
eximir - to exemptexpandir - to expandexperimentar - to experimentexprimir - to squeeze, to wring, to exploitexpulsar -...
estrenar - to openestreir - to constipate, to slow down, to indisposeestropear - to damage, to spoil, to breakestructura...
especificar - to specify, to spellespesar - to thicken, to become denseespiar - to spyespolvorear - to sprinkleestaciona...
entrometer - to intrude, to butt in on, to crash (a party)enumerar - to enumerateenvenenar - to poisonequilibrar - to ba...
enrojecer - to blushensamblar - to assemble, to joinensangrentar - to cover with bloodensombrecer - to darkenensordecer...
enderezar - to straighten upendulzar - to sweetenendurecer - to hardenenfatizar - to emphasizeenflaquecer - to make thin...
empujar - to pushemular - to emulateenaltecer - to praiseenardecer - to inflameencarcelar - to imprison, to put in jail,...
edificar - to buildeducir - to deduct, to inferegresar - to leave, to pass, to graduateembestir - to attackempapelar - t...
exceptuar - to exceptexcitar - to exciteexclamar - to exclaimexcluir - to exclude, to rule outexculpar - to exonerateexc...