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霍乱时期的爱情 第二章(13)(中西对照)

时间:2013-05-27来源:互联网  进入西班牙语论坛
核心提示:霍乱时期的爱情 第二章(13)(中西对照) Their frenetic correspondence was almost two years old when Florentino Ariza, in a letter of only one paragraph, made a formal proposal of marriage to Fermina Daza. On several occasions duri

霍乱时期的爱情 第二章(13)(中西对照)


Their frenetic correspondence was almost two years old when Florentino Ariza, in a letter of only one paragraph, made a formal proposal of marriage to Fermina Daza. On several occasions during the preceding six months he had sent her a white camellia, but she would return it to him in her next letter so that he would have no doubt that she was disposed to continue writing to him, but without the seriousness of an engagement. The truth is that she had always taken the comings and goings of the camellia as a lovers’ game, and it had never occurred to her to consider it as a crossroads in her destiny. But when the formal proposal arrived she felt herself wounded for the first time by the clawings of death. Panic-stricken, she told her Aunt Escolástica, who gave her advice with the courage and lucidity she had not had when she was twenty and was forced to decide her own fate.

“Tell him yes,” she said. “Even if you are dying of fear, even if you are sorry later, because whatever you do, you will be sorry all the rest of your life if you say no.”

Fermina Daza, however, was so confused that she asked for some time to think it over. First she asked for a month, then two, then three, and when the fourth month had ended and she had still not replied, she received a white camellia again, not alone in the envelope as on other occasions but with the peremptory notification that this was the last one: it was now or never. Then that same afternoon it was Florentino Ariza who saw the face of death when he received an envelope containing a strip of paper, torn from the margin of a school notebook, on which a one-line answer was written in pencil: Very well, I will marry you if you promise not to make me eat eggplant.


Tenía recursos para eso. Aparte de los ingresos reales de la mercería y de las hilachas hemostáticas, que le hubieran alcanzado para su vida modesta, había multiplicado los ahorros prestándolos a una clientela de nuevos pobres vergonzantes que aceptaban sus réditos excesivos en gracia de su discreción. Señoras con aires de reinas bajaban de las carrozas en el portón de la mercería, sin nodrizas ni criados incómodos, y fingiendo comprar encajes de Holanda y ribetes de pasamanería empeñaban entre dos sollozos los últimos oropeles de su paraíso perdido. Tránsito Ariza las sacaba de apuros con tanta consideración por su alcurnia, que muchas se iban más agradecidas por el honor que por el favor. En menos de diez años conocía como suyas las joyas tantas veces rescatadas y vueltas a empeñar con lágrimas, y las ganancias convertidas en oro de ley estaban enterradas en una múcura debajo de la cama cuando el hijo tomó la decisión de casarse. Entonces hizo las cuentas, y descubrió que no sólo podía hacer el negocio de mantener en pie la casa ajena durante cinco años, sino que con la misma astucia y un poco más de suerte podía quizás comprarla antes de morir para los doce nietos que deseaba tener. Florentino Ariza, por su parte, había sido nombrado ayudante primero del telégrafo, con carácter interino, y Lotario Thugut quería dejarlo como jefe de la oficina cuando él se fuera a dirigir la Escuela de Telegrafía y Magnetismo, prevista para el año siguiente.




