masculine noun
mistletoe (槲寄生)
Mistletoe is commonly used as a Christmas decoration. According to ancient Christmas custom, a man and a woman who meet under a hanging of mistletoe were obliged to kiss.
1. suddenly
seguro, -a
1. safe (sin peligro)
¿es éste un lugar seguro, -a? -> is it safe here?
sobre seguro, -a -> safely, without risk
es una inversión segura -> it's a safe investment
prefiero ir sobre seguro, -a -> I'd rather play (it) safe
2. secure (protegido, estable)
un trabajo seguro, -a -> a secure job
3. reliable (fiable)
4. definite, certain (indudable, cierto)
su nombramiento es seguro, -a -> he's certain to be given the post
ya sabemos la fecha segura de su llegada -> we've now got a definite date for his arrival
lo puedes dar por seguro, -a -> you can be sure of it
tener por seguro, -a que -> to be sure that
5. sure (confiado)
estar seguro, -a de algo -> to be sure about something
1. Permission, leave, license. (m)
2. Insurance of goods on sea or land. (m)
3. Click, stop, detent, pawl, ratchet; tumbler of a lock. (Mecahnic) (m)
Compañía de seguros -> insurance company
Cámara u oficina de seguros -> insurance office
Póliza de seguro -> policy of insurance
Premio de seguro -> premium of insurance
A buen seguro -> certainly, indubitably
De seguro -> assuredly
Sobre seguro -> confidently
Hacer el seguro -> to insure