verb neuter
1. To fit, as the orifice of a tube into another. (n)
verb transitive
2. To join, to connect, to fit together (técnica).
3. (Com, Fin.) To merge. (n)
verb reflexive
4. To wangle oneself a job (puesto).
intransitive verb
1. to crash (colisionar) (contra into), to collide (contra with)
chocaron dos autobuses -> two buses crashed o collided
la moto chocó contra un árbol -> the motorbike hit a tree
chocar de frente con -> to have a head-on collision with
2. to clash (enfrentarse)
mis ideas siempre han chocado con las suyas -> he and I have always had different ideas about things
3. to surprise, to puzzle(extrañar)
me choca que no haya llegado ya -> I'm surprised o puzzled that she hasn't arrived yet
4. to annoy, to bug (informal) (molestar) (Colombian Spanish, Mexican Spanish, Venezuelan Spanish)
me choca que esté siempre controlándome -> it really annoys me how he's always watching me
transitive verb
5. to shake(manos)
¡chócala!, ¡choca esos cinco! (informal) -> put it there!
6. to clink (copas, vasos)