1. Oats. (Botany) (f)
Avena blanca -> Cultivated white oat
Avena sativa alba -> Avena negra, cultivated black oat
Avena sativa negra -> Avena desnuda, naked oat
Avena estéril, cugu -> or cula, bearded oat-grass
Avena estrigosa, or afreita -> of the Gallicians, bristle-pointed oat
Aven -> estrigosa
Avena pubescente -> downy oat-grass
Avena flavescente -> narrow-leaved oat-grass
Avena alpina -> great alpine oat-grass
Avena flavescente -> yellow oat-grass
Avena loc -> or silvestre, wild oat
Avena común -> French oat
Avena oriental -> tartarian oat
Avena geórgica -> potato oat
2. (Poetic.) A pastoral pipe, made of the stalks of corn, and used by shepherds. (f)
Avena, L. (Avena nuda). Avena esterilis. Avena pubescens. Avena pratensis. Avena alpina. Avena flavescens. Avena orientalis.