1. Dumb, silent (callado), still, mute.
Quedarse mudo de asombro -> to be dumbfounded
Quedarse mudo de envidia -> to be green with envy
article & verb transitive
1. To form a blockade, to obstruct; (Dep.) To tackle (jugador); to stop (pelota); (Rad.) To jam. (Military)
Bloquear una ley en el congreso -> to block a bill in the congress
Los manifestantes bloquearon las calles -> the demonstrators blocked the streets
Bloquear un puerto -> (Naut.) To blockade a port
2. To block, jam. (Mecahnic)
El mecanismo está bloqueado -> the mechanism is jammed, the mechanism is stuck
3. To cut off (aislar).
La inundación bloqueó el pueblo -> the flood cut off the village
4. To brake, to pull up; to lock (volante). (Automate)
5. To freeze, block. (Commerce) (m & n)
fondos bloqueados -> frozen assets
verb reflexive
Boquearse d -> (fig.), to shut oneself off from, to shield oneself from