article & verb transitive
1. To catch up with.
2. To overtake, to come up, to reach, to carry far.
3. To reach a thing, to extend the hand to take it.
4. To acquire, to obtain, to posess power of obtaining a thing desired.
5. To comprehend.
6. To be creditor of a balance.
7. To know a long while.
La bala le alcanzó en el pecho -> the bullet hit him in his chest
verb neuter
8. To share. (n)
9. To suffice. (n)
10. To reach: applied to a ball. (n)
11. Alcanzar en días, to survive. (n)
verb reflexive
12. To overreach.
Alcanzársele poco a alguno -> to prevail upon any one
Alcanzar a ver -> to descry
No alcanzar con mucho -> to fall short
asesino, -a
1. murderous (también figurative)
masculine or feminine noun
2. murderer, (f) murderess (de persona); assassin (de rey, jefe de Estado)
asesino, -a profesional -> professional killer
asesino, -a en serie -> serial killer
asesino, -a a sueldo -> contract killer