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时间:2016-03-22来源:互联网  进入西班牙语论坛
核心提示:regirarticleverb transitive1. To rule (pas), to govern, to direct.2. To rule, to conduct, to manage (expresa), to lead,
article & verb transitive
1. To rule (país), to govern, to direct.
2. To rule, to conduct, to manage (expresa), to lead, to command.
3. To govern as verbs or prepositions.
4. To have the bowels in good order.
Los factores que rigen los cambios de mercado -> the factors which govern changes in the market
verb neuter
5. To obey the helm. (Nautical) (n)
6. To be in force. (n)
Regirse por -> to be ruled by
article & verb transitive & verb neuter
1. To creep, to crawl.
2. To drag along the ground.
3. To bring one over to our opinion.
4. To lead a trump at cards.
Arrastrar la causa -> el pleito, los autos, etc., to move a lawsuit into another court
Hacer alguna cosa arrastrando -> to do a thing against one’s will, to do it ill
5. To carry away; No te dejes arrastrar por esa idea, don’t get carried away by that idea.
6. Arrastrar a uno a hacer algo, to lead somebody to do something.
verb reflexive
7. To crawl, creep; Se arrastró hasta la puerta, he dragged himself to the door.
8. To drag, to trail along the ground, to hang down.
9. To drag (tiempo).
10. To grovel, to fawn, to creep.

热门TAG: 西语阅读 西语学习 西班牙语学习网
