1. Entrance, entry (lugar). (f)
2. Entrance, entry, coming in, ingress (acto). (f)
La entrada de las tropas en 1940 -> the entry of the troops in 1940. Su entrada en la Academia, his admission to the Academy
3. Entrance, prerogative of certain authorities to enter places forbidden to the public (público). (f)
4. Beginning of a musical clause. (f)
5. Entry, the act of publicly entering a city. (f)
6. The act of admitting a person into a community or society. (f)
7. Concourse of people. (f)
Hubo una grande entrada aquel día en la comedia -> the play-house was crowded on that day
8. Entrance fee, admission, ticket (billete). (f)
Entrada de regalo -> complimentary ticket
9. The means or power to do something. (f)
10. Familiar access, intimacy. (f)
11. The rising, beginning of a wind, a soft breeze, or a storm. (Nautical) (f)
12. A good hand at cards. (f)
13. Each of the more substantial dishes which are served at table (comidas). (f)
14. Receipts, property vested in any concern. (f)
Derechos de entrada -> import duty
Entradas -> temples, the upper parts of the sides of the head
15. Entrada furtiva en una casa, forzándola para robar, (Law.) burglary. (f)
16. Beginning. (f)
La entrada de la primavera -> the start of spring
17. (Fin.) Receipts, takings; income. (n)
Entradas familiares -> family income
Entradas brutas -> gross receipts
Entradas y salidas -> income and expenditure
Entrada de reloj (validación, muestreo) -> (Inform.) clock input, enable, strobe