1. Country. (m)
2. Any tract of flat and even country. (m)
3. Field, space, range of things. (m)
4. Crops, trees, plantations. (m)
5. Ground of silks and other stuffs. (m)
6. Camp. (m)
7. Ground on which an army is drawn up. (m)
8. Ground of a painting. (m)
9. Campo santo, burial-ground, cemetery. (m)
Campo abierto -> plain, open country
Campo de batalla -> battlefield
Hacerse al campo -> to retreat, to flee from danger
Dejar el campo abierto, libre, -> to decline an undertaking wher there are competitors. Hombre de camp or del campo, -> one who leads a country life
Ir campo a través -> to take a short cut
El campo está espléndido -> the countryside looks lovely
Campo de aterrizaje -> landing field
Campo de deportes -> sports ground
Campo de fútbol -> football ground
Campo de golf -> golf course
Campo de minas -> minefield
Campo de tiro -> firing range
Levantar el campo -> (Mil.) to retire from the field
Se le hizo el campo orégano -> (Cono Sur) it all turned out nicely for him
No hay campo -> there’s no room
Hay campo para más -> there’s scope for more
Campo de concentración -> Concentration camp