1. Study, application to books and learning. (m)
2. Study (dibujo, arte). (m)
3. Study, apartment (cuarto). (m)
4. Hall wher models, prints, and plans are kept to be copied or studied. (m)
5. Study, attention, meditation, contemplation. (metaphorical) (m)
Hacer estudio de alguna cosa -> (Met.) to act with art, cunning, or crafty reflection
Estudio general -> university
Un estudio del mercado -> a market survey or research
noun, plural
6. Time, trouble, and core applied to the study of the sciences.
7. Sciences, letters.
Dar estudios a uno -> to maintain one at his studies
Hizo sus estudios en París -> he studied in Paris
Estudios de tiempo y movimiento -> time and motion study
8. Studio (arte, cine).
Estudio de cine -> film studio
Estudio de televisión -> television studio