transitive verb
1. to keep (conservar) ; to put away (poner en su sitio)
guarda el vestido en el armario -> she keeps the dress in the wardrobe
¡guarda los juguetes! -> put your toys away!
guardo muy buenos recuerdos de mi infancia -> I have very good memories of my childhood
2. to save (reservar) (a o para alguien for sb)
guarda un poco de pastel para tu hermano -> leave o save a bit of cake for your brother
3. to keep watch over (vigilar) ; to guard (proteger)
4. to observe (observar) (ley, norma, fiesta) ; to keep (secreto, promesa)
guardar cama -> to stay in bed
guardar silencio -> to keep quiet
guardar las apariencias -> to keep up appearances
5. to save (computing)
pronomial verb
1. (colocar)
se guardó la pluma en el bolsillo -> she put the pen in her pocket
2. (quedarse con)
guárdate tu ironía para otro momento -> save o keep your irony for another occasion
guardarse de hacer algo -> to avoid doing something; (evitar) to be careful not to do something (abstenerse de)
me guardaré de criticarle -> I'll be careful not to criticize him
3. (informal)
guardársela a alguien -> to have it in for somebody