transitive verb
1. to order (dar órdenes a)
la profesora nos ha mandado deberes/una redacción -> the teacher has set o given us some homework/an essay
mandar a alguien hacer algo -> to order somebody to do something
mandar hacer algo -> to have something done
¿quién te manda decirle nada? -> who asked you to say anything to her?
2. to send (enviar)
mandar algo a alguien -> to send somebody something, to send something to somebody
me mandó un correo electrónico -> she sent me an e-mail, she e-mailed me
3. to lead, to be in charge of (dirigir, gobernar) ; to rule (país)
4. to send (informal) (lanzar)
mandó la jabalina más allá de los 90 metros -> he sent the javelin beyond the 90 meter mark
intransitive verb
5. to be in charge (dirigir) ; to rule (jefe de estado)
aquí mando yo -> I'm in charge here
6. to order people around (dar órdenes)