article & verb transitive
1. To pull up by the roots, to extirpate.
Una historia que arranca lágrimas -> a story to make one cry
2. To force out, to wrest.
Le arrancó el bolso -> he snatched her handbag
3. To pull out a nail, to draw out a tooth.
4. To carry off with violence.
5. To force up phlegm, bile, etc. 6.
6. To begin an arch or vault.
7. To get afloat, or set sail. (Nautical)
Arrancar de raíz -> to root out or up
Arrancar la espada -> to unsheath the sword
Arrancársele a uno el alma -> to die broken-hearted verb reflexive
8. to run off with the profits. (Andes & Caribbean & Mexico)