malvado, -a
1. evil, wicked
masculine or feminine noun
2. villain, evil person
transitive verb
1. to notice (notar)
2. to warn (prevenir, avisar)
me advirtió del peligro -> he warned me of the danger
te advierto que no me sorprende -> mind you, it doesn't surprise me
article & verb transitive
1. To deceive (embaucar), to cheat, to mock, to mislead (despistar).
A mí no me engaña nadie -> you can’t fool me
Engaña a su marido -> she’s unfaithful to her husband
2. To cheat, to delude, to impose upon, to trick.
3. To fool, to hoax, to abuse, to gull.
verb reflexive
4. To be deceived, to mistake, to make a mistake.
Ser malo de engañar -> (coll.) to be not easily deceived, to be sagacious
Se engaña con falsas esperanzas -> she deludes herself with false hopes