1. Screw, a mechanical power. (f)
2. Anything round and spiral; spiral motion. (f)
3. A distinctive badge of the scholars in some colleges in Spain. (f)
4. (Cono Sur) Pad (para llevar carga). (f)
5. (Cono Sur) Card players (naipes). (f)
6. (Cono Sur) Noisy argument (discusión). (f)
Rosca de pan[/color] -> a round twisted loaf of bread
Comerse una rosca -> to make it
Hacer la rosca a uno -> to suck up to somebody
gordo, -a
1. fat (persona)
está más gordo, -a que antes[/color] -> he's put on weight
me cae gordo, -a (informal) -> I can't stand him
2. thick (grueso)
3. big, serious (informal) (problema, asunto)
me pasó algo muy gordo, -a con él -> something very serious happened to me with him
armar la gorda (figurative) -> to kick up a row o stink
masculine or feminine noun
4. fat man, (f) fat woman (persona obesa)
los gordos -> fat people
masculine noun
5. first prize, jackpot (en lotería)
le tocó el gordo, -a -> he won first prize, he won the jackpot