1. Grown whelp or puppy. (m & f)
2. Cub, the young of a beast. (m & f)
3. Pocket pistol. (m & f)
4. A lizard. (m & f)
article & verb transitive
1 To present, to exhibit, to view.
2 To present, to favor with a gift, to offer openly and freely.
3 To present or prefer to ecclesiastical benefices.
4 To perform (obra); to show (película); to present (estrella).
5 To introduce (persona).
El coche presenta ciertas modificaciones -> the car has certain modifications
Ser presentada en la sociedad -> to come out, to make one's début
verb reflexive
6 To appear in a court of justice; to present oneself before anyone.
7 To run, to stand (candidato).
8 To show (mostrarse).