verb neuter
1 To be deficient, to be wanting (ser necesario). (n)
2 To fail (fallar), to falter, to fault, to flinch. (n)
3 To be consumed, to fall short. (n)
4 Not to fulfil one's promise, not to perform one's engagement. (n)
5 To need, to lack, to be in want of. (n)
6 To die. (n)
Faltar a su palabra -> to fall back
Le falta dinero -> he lacks money
Nos falta tiempo para hacerlo -> we lack the time to do it
Faltaron 3 en la reunión -> there were 3 missing in the meeting
Fatar al trabajo -> to stay away
Faltar en hacer algo -> to fail to do something, Faltan pocos minutos para el comienzo, there's only a few minutes to go till the start
Falta poco para terminar -> it's almost over