article & verb transitive
1. To hear, to listen.
Has oído campanas y no sabes dónde -> you don’t really know what you’re talking about
2. To understand, to comprehend.
3. To attend the lectures on some science or art, in order to study it.
4. To go to mass (misa); to hear (consejo).
5. To hear, to heed, to answer (súplica).
6. (Jur.) To hear (causa).
Oír misa -> to attend at or hear mass
No haber oído la campana -> to be unobservant or ignorant of common things
¿Oyes? or ¿oye Vd. -> I say, do you hear
Oiga or oigan -> exclamation of surprise
Oye -> oye, hear
Oír -> ver, y callar, mind your own business
Oír hablar de -> to hear it said that
Le oí abrir la puerta -> I heard him open the door