article & verb transitive
1. To pay, to discharge a debt (deuda), to acquit.
2. To be liable for customs duties; used of merchandise.
3. To pay (crimen, ofensa), to atone, to make amends.
4. To please, to give pleasure.
5. To pay, to reward, to requite (amor), to fee.
verb neuter
6. To pay. (Ante Meridian & Latin American) (m)
7. (Cono Sur) To take bets (tomar apuestas). (m)
verb reflexive
8. To be pleased (with oneself); to be fond of (another).
Pagar la visita -> to return a visit
Pagar el pato -> (coll.) to receive unmerited punishment, or to pay for another man's misconduct
Su tío le paga los estudios -> his uncle is paying for his education
Paga 20 dólares de habitación -> he pays 20 dollars for his room
Lo pagó con la vida -> he paid for it with his life