intransitive verb
1. to trip o stumble (con los pies)(con on)
tropecé con el bordillo y me caí -> I tripped on the curb o (British) curb and fell over (United States)
2. (por casualidad)
tropezar con alguien -> to bump o run into somebody
3. (enfrentarse)
tropezar con -> to come up against (problema, obstáculo)
pronomial verb
1. to bump into each other, to come across one another (informal)(dos personas)
tropezarse con alguien -> to bump into somebody
masculine or feminine noun
1. witness (persona)
ser testigo de algo -> to witness something
tú eres testigo de que estuve allí -> you are my witness that I was there
un castillo que ha sido testigo de innumerables batallas -> a castle that has witnessed countless battles
poner por testigo a alguien -> to cite somebody as a witness
testigo de cargo/descargo -> witness for the prosecution/defense
testigo de Jehová -> Jehovah's Witness
testigo ocular o presencial -> eyewitness
masculine noun
2. baton (sport)