A: Oye, vamos a cenar a La Carreta, ¿vienes?
Hey, we’re going to dinner at La Carreta, are you coming?
嘿,我们准备去La Carreta吃晚餐,你来吗?
B: Suena bien, pero no tengo dinero.
Sounds good, but I don’t have money.
A: Yo te invito.
I’ll treat you.
B: Gracias por la invitación, pero mejor me voy a casa.
Thanks for the offer, but I’ll just go home.
A: Venga, anímate.
Come on, rally.
B: Tal vez, la próxima vez.
Maybe next time.
cenar --- Verb to --- have dinner 吃晚餐
sonar --- Verb to --- sound 听
la invitación --- Noun (f ) --- offer 邀请
el dinero --- Noun (m) --- money 钱
animarse --- Verb --- to get it together 使有生气, 使活跃
la vez --- Noun (f ) --- time 次
aceptar --- Verb to --- accept 接受
la lana --- Noun (f ) --- money 钱
la pasta --- Noun (f ) --- money 钱
ahorrar --- Verb to --- save money 存钱
caro --- Adjective --- expensive 贵的
amable --- Adjective --- friendly 友好的