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当前位置: 首页 » 西班牙语阅读 » 趣味西语
  • 西班牙语笑话-老麦克唐纳 日期:2022-05-12 点击:297

    Qu dijo el Viejo MacDonald cuando tuvo una hija?Hi-ja Hi-ja OhTranslation:What did Old MacDonald say when he had a daugh...

  • 西班牙语笑话-数学书 日期:2022-05-12 点击:309

    Por qu est triste el libro de matemticas?Porque tiene muchos problemas!Translation:Why is the math book sad?Because he h...

  • 西班牙语笑话-鱼 日期:2022-05-12 点击:296

    Qu hace un pez?Nada!Translation:What does a fish do?Nothing!...

  • 西班牙语笑话-最有趣的水果 日期:2022-05-12 点击:344

    Cul es la fruta ms divertida?La naranja ja ja jaTranslation:What is the most fun fruit?The orange ha ha ha...

  • 西班牙语笑话-当我还是孩子的时候 。 。 。 日期:2022-05-12 点击:289

    Cuando era nio y no saba nada, le pregunt a mi pap.Que? No habia Google?Translation:When I was a child and I didnt know...

  • 西班牙语笑话-基督教足球笑话! 日期:2022-05-12 点击:314

    Hijo, quieres ser cristiano?No, prefiero ser Messi!Translation:Son, do you want to be a Christian?No, I prefer to be Mes...

  • 西班牙语笑话-最耐心的水果 日期:2022-05-12 点击:286

    Cul es la fruta ms paciente?Es pera.Translation:What is the most patient fruit?It is a pear....

  • 西班牙语笑话-眼睛 日期:2022-05-12 点击:309

    Como se dice ojos en ingls?Eyes.No! Ice es hielo.No, yellow es amarillo!Ahhh.Translation:How do you say eyes in English?...

  • 11个西班牙笑话(11) 日期:2022-05-12 点击:298

    Joke #11Cuntas estrellas hay en el cielo? (How many stars are in the sky?)Cincuenta. (Fifty.)Lies! There are so many mor...

  • 11个西班牙笑话(10) 日期:2022-05-12 点击:329

    Joke #10Un tipo y una mujer en la playa: (A man and a woman on the beach:)Y usted, no nada nada? (You arent going to swi...

  • 11个西班牙笑话(9) 日期:2022-05-12 点击:312

    Joke #9Qu le dijo el nmero dieciocho al nmero dos? (What did the number 18 say to the number 2?)Vente conmigo! (Come wit...

  • 11个西班牙笑话(8) 日期:2022-05-12 点击:306

    Joke #8Cmo se escribe calcetines en ingls? (How do you spell socks in English?)Eso s que es (Yes, thats right.)But no on...

  • 11个西班牙笑话(7) 日期:2022-05-12 点击:350

    sounds a lot like hora (hour) since the h isnt pronounced in Spanish. I imagine that this boy was being a bit of a smar...

  • 11个西班牙笑话(6) 日期:2022-05-12 点击:425

    Joke #6Qu le dijo un techo a otro techo? (What did one roof say to the other roof?)Te echo de menos. (I miss you.)Words...

  • 11个西班牙笑话(5) 日期:2022-05-12 点击:368

    Joke #5Cmo llama el vaquero a su hija? (How does the cowboy call to his daughter?)Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiija! (Daaaaaughter!)We...

  • 11个西班牙笑话(4) 日期:2022-05-12 点击:411

    Joke #4A: Padre, qu puedo hacer por mis pecados? (Father, what can I do to have my sins forgiven?)B: Ora, hijo mo, ora....

  • 11个西班牙笑话(3) 日期:2022-05-12 点击:338

    Joke #3A: La nueva cocinera es un sol. (The new cook is a ray of sunshine.)B: Cocina bien? (Does she cook well?)A: No, l...

  • 11个西班牙笑话(2) 日期:2022-05-12 点击:361

    Joke #2Un hombre va al circo en busca de empleo. (A man went to the circus to find a job.)El director le pregunta: (The...

  • 11个西班牙笑话(1) 日期:2022-05-12 点击:296

    Joke #1Cul es el vino ms amargo? (Whats the most bitter wine?)Vino mi suegra. (When my mother-in-law came to town.)Of co...

  • 9个西班牙语笑话 日期:2022-05-12 点击:567

    1Lazy CowsCules son las vacas ms perezosas? Vacaciones!Translation:Whats the laziest type of cow? A vacation!This is a g...

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